Fine grain cemented carbides are the standard in general wear protection. They are used for guides, bushings, nozzles, slide rings, cutting rings, linear blades, circular blades, and lathe tips, resha
Our three EDM grades were especially developed for processing with electro-erosion (wire and sink erosion). They contain a corrosion inhibitor which protects them from pitting corrosion in the erosion
Our cemented carbide grades with nickel binder and chrome additive are extremely corrosion-resistant and are generally not attacked by acids, waste water or organic Solutions. They are therefore suita
HARTMETALL ESTECH has also developed two new hard metal grades with alternative binding agents, namely on the basis of iron/nickel/cobalt alloys.伊斯泰克硬質合金公司開發了兩種新的牌號,這個牌號的粘結劑不僅是鈷,而是鐵-鎳-鈷合金。 WC grain si